Dermot Whelan: ”Mi sono ritrovato sdraiato sul lato della strada su un vialetto asfaltato. Stavo pensando, per favore, non lasciarmi morire’

di Immediate-Wish-193


  1. Immediate-Wish-193 on

    Really not a fan and critical of how Dermot Whelan is jumping on the mindfulness bandwagon as it is easy money. Glad that when he was on the Tommy Tiernan show, Tommy challenged him on it.

    Mcmindfulness is a way of diluting spiritual practices for corporations to tick a box. It’s meaningless. Especially the way it’s coming from Dermot Whelan. I hope people don’t get dazzled by his speel.

  2. Cult leader buzz off him 

    Should drop the ‘we’ when he’s talking too. He may be fuck ugly, but ‘we’ do all look ‘like that’. Dope. 

  3. momalloyd on

    Some excellent details given on that apparent news story. Good work Indo.

  4. monty_abu on

    Am I missing where the actual headline is mentioned or is this classic click bait?

  5. Electronic_Ad_6535 on

    Strong smell of spoofer off this lad. Must have gone to the same school as Bressie

  6. StillTheNugget on

    The fucker must be short a few bob and looking for a fresh market for his snake oil.

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