L’allora ministro della giustizia ungherese Judit Varga ammette la corruzione ai massimi livelli del governo e la manipolazione della procura di stato in una registrazione audio pubblicata dal suo ex marito


di West-Chemist-9219


  1. West-Chemist-9219 on

    For me the most alarming part is when she says that Péter Polt, the state prosecutor (and a close associate of Orbán) cannot control the situation, which in this context means that he is not able to stop honest prosecutors from prosecuting cases in a fair manner.

  2. pempoczky on

    In a functioning democracy this would make at least Rogán and Polt, if not the entire Fidesz leadership resign. But of course it won’t. I hope at least this makes news abroad and both Hungarians and foreigners won’t let the EU forget this has happened.

  3. What this recording admits is that all parts of the state, that supposed to be independent from the government is de facto directly controlled by Orbán. After this courts and the prosecutors lost all and every creditability. We are now officially a Banana republic, a mafia state. No rule of law, only the rule of an autocrat.

    For a lot of Hungarians this isn’t that big news, we already seen it, but now, there is evidence.

  4. Mitrydates on

    Good timing. Just before Hungary taking over the EU presidency.

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