La televisione nordcoreana censura i pantaloni di Alan Titchmarsh

di appalachian_hatachi


  1. ClassicFlavour on

    Clearly, Kim knows his Civ strategies to combat a culture win.

    *Our people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music*

  2. newnortherner21 on

    Why would they show a gardening programme to begin with? Surely North Koreans are only allowed to grow any food under strict supervision.

  3. TwoToesToni on

    Wait till they see Chalie Dimmocks pointers on a cold day.

  4. YoshiPuffin3 on

    One can only imagine what they’d make of Michael Portillo.

  5. “Damn those decadent Westerners and their *checks notes* trousers!!”

  6. 1nfinitus on

    NK is such a pathetic joke of a country, it would be comically embarrassing if it wasn’t so dangerous and oppressive.

  7. Imaginary-Risk on

    Nice try, but you’ll never censor Alan titchmarsh’s crotch from my mind

  8. Intelligent_Crazy_10 on

    I’ve always thought of Titchmarsh as a decadent western imperialist…

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