Heather Humphreys resterà ministro della Protezione sociale per vedere l’implementazione del piano pensionistico di iscrizione automatica


di trickytreacyIRE


  1. KillerKlown88 on

    >The minister has long championed the auto-enrolment model which will see the State contribute €1 for every €3 a worker puts into their pension, while employers will be forced to match the worker’s €3.

    Does anyone have more information about how this will work for people who are already enrolled in a pension?

  2. 1reallyhatemondays on

    For employees, is tax relief available via auto enrolment as with PRSA pension?

  3. OldManOriginal on

    Humphreys to run super department, the Department of Social Protection, Justice (for some), giving money to communities, and getting Heather reelected at all cost. 

    You read it here first

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