Curioso perchè? È strano che vogliano cambiare, perché?

di Logical-Hawk-3729


  1. felineprincess93 on

    fuck this nonsense. you wanna know why there isn’t? because those that rose up were locked up or fled and then it became legal to shoot protestors in the street.

    the situation between georgia, belarus, other countries are not all the same. I am so tired of this comparison.

  2. T1gerHeart on

    You’re really tired of asking the same idiotic question! If you want to know what and how it is in Belarus now, come and try to organize it all yourself. It doesn’t happen precisely because it’s you who’s missing to come and teach how it’s done. And 3.14zdetj from the outside means not going to lethal guns empty-handed or with balls and flowers.

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