Mi sono trasferito dagli Stati Uniti al Kosovo, dove la cultura è tradizionale. Il mio parrucchiere ha persino chiamato mio marito per avere la sua approvazione sul mio taglio di capelli.
di Fragrant-Loan-1580
I can’t believe they wrote this article and paint us as extremists, it’s so god damn absurd.
Westoids just being westoids and racist.
The question being why someone calling himself or herself u/[AntiFacistBossBitch](https://www.reddit.com/user/AntiFacistBossBitch/) would post such slander, although obvious to anyone who’s had anything to do with Kosovar Albanians that women don’t need escorts to leave the house or need permission from their husbands to cut their hair? Did he/she just need the internet points or does he/she think spreading such generalizations based on the experience of one woman about a whole nation is alright (smells kinda fascist-y to me, tho…)?
islam is a curse for our nation