Qual è la vostra opinione a riguardo, cari greco-ciprioti?

[https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/world/europe/north-macedonia-history-statues.html?smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/19/world/europe/north-macedonia-history-statues.html?smid=url-share) Dall’articolo: “**L’attuale Macedonia del Nord, nato dalla disgregazione della Jugoslavia negli anni ’90, non ha alcun legame reale con Alessandro Magno, che visse 2000 anni fa lungo la strada in quella che oggi è la Grecia..**.”


di christoforosl08


  1. Savings_Wolverine545 on

    Scriptures and historical documents are clear on the cultural background of Alexander… He is greek nothing to do with slavs…. Slavs used to be slaves back then… No barbarian was accepted as greek so he could not have been anything other than greek same thing goes for macedonia the region would not have been included in the greek consortium unless they were greeks… Geographically doesn’t really matter… Everything changes going forward but it is better to keep the past factual…

  2. Pooknucklemon on

    We could hold a seance and ask this famous person how he identifies himself in this way or maintain the notion that a country owns a person.

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