Democrazia adesso! L’alto funzionario azerbaigiano chiede: quando verranno liberati i reporter e gli attivisti arrestati?
Incidente durante l’incontro con Radosław Sikorski a Łódź. I manifestanti hanno gridato contro l’occupazione della Palestina
Un gruppo che portava bandiere palestinesi ha attaccato l’edificio della SOCAR a Istanbul, sostenendo che la società azera commercia con Israele. di Skol-Man14
Skol-Man14 on 21/06/2024 01:16 Well, I certainly hope the Turkish government under the Ak Parti aligned with the nationalist MHP would let an Arab attack on the unity of Turk-Azeri brotherhood go. After here is Erodgan himself, Bir millet, iki devlet, and all.
Sure-Engineering1502 on 21/06/2024 01:26 Lmao, what this bunch of clowns thought they were gonna achieve?
Well, I certainly hope the Turkish government under the Ak Parti aligned with the nationalist MHP would let an Arab attack on the unity of Turk-Azeri brotherhood go.
After here is Erodgan himself, Bir millet, iki devlet, and all.
Lmao, what this bunch of clowns thought they were gonna achieve?