Fine Gael è ora in testa ai sondaggi

di miju-irl


  1. miju-irl on

    According to the latest Red C poll. Find it utterly bizarre giving the litany or crisis this country is facing

  2. ah_yeah_79 on

    All those tds who announced they were jumping off the fg sinking ship before the election are regretting it now..

  3. warnie685 on

    Yeah but they’ve only increased their share by one or two percentage points. It’s just that SF have lost theirs. 

     It’s a pretty shocking indictment of the state of politics at the moment that no one party has managed to offer a credible alternative to FG.

  4. Livid-Two-9172 on

    A case of last man standing, rather than a glowing report on the party.

    Far left and far right parties are freak shows.

    Sinn Fein has found out as populists, with concerns over their competence from top to bottom.

    All things considered, we have a very high quality of life in Ireland, by almost any objective measure. People don’t want change, it shouldn’t be too surprising to see this. 

  5. IntentionFalse8822 on

    Sinn Fein have been in freefall since Mary Lou came back. When Pearse and Louise were effectively acting as co leaders Sinn Fein were at their peak and communicating well with the public. Then Mary Lou came back, resumed the leadership but remained as invisible as she was when she was on sick leave. They have almost as big a leadership problem as the Democrats in the US.

  6. Willing-Departure115 on

    Social media isn’t society at large. A lot of people are (rightly) pissed off at the state of the country as it directly affects them. But a lot of people are pretty happy with their own lot – the economy is strong, they’ve got a house, and plumping for the opposition and their policies wouldn’t suit them.

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