I piloti dell’Aer Lingus sono improbabili leader della rivoluzione, ma gli stipendi dovranno aumentare per la pace sociale – The Irish Times


di WickerMan111


  1. auntsalty on

    Everyone is thinking it and saying it who lets captain Birds Eye fly a plane, although love his fish fingers, keep up the good work

  2. New_Town_1870 on

    Crux of the article, “The broader issue is whether the split between wages and profits is unique to Aer Lingus or does it represent an accurate description of the economy in general, where workers’ wages have fallen back while the income of capitalists – rents, dividends and gains from shares and property – has risen dramatically? The basic story is that profits are back baby – and they’re outstripping wages wholesale, everywhere.”

    Will more workers in other sectors start striking. There are huge profits being made by companies, but it’s not being passed down to workers.

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