L’ho trovato oggi sulla mia auto, qualcuno l’ha lasciato lì. Non sono nemmeno dell’Ucraina. Dovrei preoccuparmi o semplicemente ignorarlo? L’auto era parcheggiata in un parcheggio privato, l’ho “acquistata” dal Comune.


di Hegau


  1. AutoModerator on

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  2. PossibilityTasty on

    Someone wants to inform you that they have a severe personal disorder.

  3. Marcello66666 on

    This just means some incredibly stupid person left you a message in which he wrote some incoherent bullshit about stuff he has not a single clue. My advice would be that you don’t give a single fuck about it and just continue with your life because such people are not worth your attention.
    And no you don’t need to worry you did nothing wrong.

  4. Ignore it.
    Your car met a „Schwurbler“ in the wild.


  5. Thank you verry much,I love you.

    Ich wohne hier schon 5 Jahre,gleiche Stadt,gleiche Straße,und ich habe ein bischen Angst gehabt,weil ich habe kleine baby und Frau fährt oft mit das Auto.


  6. daonefatbiccmacc on

    i can assure you that the STVO and the ukraine war have nothing to do with one another. People just love to live out their schizophrenia in public

  7. MyPigWhistles on

    Lmao. “You are hereby drafted into the Ukraine war”, followed by “STVO” (which is the German road traffic regulation) and a random combination of numbers and letters, not referring to any actual regulation.

    I assume the person who wrote this has mental heath issues. It’s nonsense.

  8. ProfTydrim on

    If anyone else is wondering what StVO Abs. 3 Ziff. 8 says:

    “Ohne triftigen Grund dürfen Kraftfahrzeuge nicht so langsam fahren, dass sie den Verkehrsfluss behindern.”

  9. Vyncent2 on

    Do you happen to drive a car with a foreign license plate? Maybe consider registering it with the authorities. You are required to, if the vehicle is longer than a year in Germany.

    My guess is, the schwurbler is referring to this.

  10. Bratwurstmeister666 on

    It means one of your neighbors is a retard and annoyed, that your car parked at the same spot, were he wants to park his own car. lol

    Thats all, you can ignore it.

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