Qualcuno dalla Germania conosce un’università nota come “Hessen International University”. Quanto è legittima questa università? Ho visto persone ricevere dottorati honoris causa da questa università per non aver fatto nulla o in un campo che non ha molto senso. Questa università sta vendendo il dottorato? Ecco l’URL https://hesseninternationaluniversity.de/


di Holiday_Can2803


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  2. thewindinthewillows on

    That’s a fake site. It’s not even a shitty private degree mill university. There’s just *nothing*. When I click on it, it attempts to auto-Google-translate to German, and then redirects to a page pointing out that they haven’t paid for the auto-translation. There’s some random machine-generated text on the site, plus some stock images.

    I like how on their Youtube channel, they misspell both “Hessen” and “University” in the header.

  3. Funny enough, they give the details of Kassel University as their “official” address. (Uni Kassel is apparently VERY legit, feel free to visit their official web page)

    Can’t imagine a scam done worse.

  4. Holiday_Can2803 on

    The thing that really surprised me was how shamelessly these scammers organize a convocation ceremony in third world country (dont want to name that country here)and in a five star hotel just to promote their scams!! I wish people from that country will find this post.

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