Il comitato dei media ‘diviso’ raccomanda l’abolizione del canone televisivo

di Storyboys


  1. Storyboys on

    ““I think people should be paying something for their TV,” Fine Gael TD Michael Ring said.

    Mr Ring said he could not understand why media organisations made online articles available to read for free”

    “Fine Gael TD Ciaran Cannon said getting rid of the fee would be “unwise”.

    Mr Cannon said: “I would support the retention of a TV licence in some shape or form. I think it’s exceptionally important that people have a *sense* of ownership of public service broadcasting.”

    A sense of ownership 😂

  2. pippers87 on

    Get rid of it. Introduce a 4k channel for RTE sport, including GAA Go & more LOI content. Charge a tenner a month for it. Pretty sure it would be a decent revenue earner.

  3. TheFreemanLIVES on

    >Ms Smyth said: “The committee’s headline recommendation in this report is the abolition of the TV licence, a topic which has been much debated at committee, with **divergent** views, however… we now bring a recommendation of the **majority** in this regard.

    So…in this article the government parties get to lay the narrative of it being somehow divisive, yet somehow agreed to by the majority…in an article that doesn’t specify what the vote of the committee actually was on the matter.


  4. noisylettuce on

    Giving a TV station direct access to the exchequer slush? What kind of fucking treason is this?

    How about shutting them down instead of giving them infinite and unaccountable funding?

  5. >Fianna Fáil Senator Malcolm Byrne said that the media landscape had changed dramatically from the days where “everyone gathering around a TV set on a Sunday evening to watch Glenroe”.

    >“On the core question about how we fund public service broadcasting generally, the decision on the TV licence fee, we do view the licence fee as an anachronistic fee that dates back to a different era.”

    At least some of the comments were sensible. A flat rate fee is regressive and a pain in the arse to collect.

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