Il canone televisivo dovrebbe essere abolito e sostituito con finanziamenti statali – comitato media

di MrTuxedo1


  1. Prestigious_Talk6652 on

    Mehall Martin is agin tho because of possible Government interference.

    Can’t be difficult to implement a fair and inclusive method of collection. Had no trouble with the water charge.

  2. slevinonion on

    You won’t ever get unbiased media when the government control your budget. In fact, positive stories could lead to increased budgets.

    RTE news should be separated out, including budget and some proper management put in place for the rest.

    Back in 2014 when they somehow managed to be removed from oversight of auditor and comptroller general, they lost the plot. No oversight, salary scales or procurement rules to follow.

  3. Common_Talk_8291 on

    I don’t think that would fix anything. The real solution is getting rid of RTE and redoing it all again, especially to root out the rampant nepotism and such.

  4. XinqyWinqy on

    TV license or exchequer … The ads need to go if they want to be publicly funded. Might as well correct that wrong too while we’re at it. If they want ad revenue, then RTE should be privatised. Operate to either budget (public/private) or GTFO.

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