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Alcuni link utili:

Organizzazione nazionale del turismo del Montenegro

Montenegro – Wikivoyage

Montenegro – Wikitravel

Tourist Thread 2024
byu/AutoModerator inmontenegro

di AutoModerator


  1. Hello!
    I was wondering how much the taxi fare would be from Tivat to Podgoricas Airport.

  2. Prize_Ad5334 on

    Hey folks,

    I can’t decide what’s more attractive for a ~10 day vacation (Montenegro and North Albania or South Albania), I’ll be moving by car and plan to sleep in about 3 cities,
    I’m more of a backpacker vacation person, I prefer a nice view or castle to the coast, but I also want to relax on the beach.

    For **Montenegro**, I was thinking of visiting Herceg Novi, Shkodra, Prokletije National Park, Biogradska gora National Park and Durmitor (might be a bit too active for my girlfriend, so I’m thinking of some change).

    For **Albania**, I was thinking about the south, but I don’t have anything specific in mind,
    Which one would you recommend and why, would you change anything?

  3. What’s with the tourist tax? It’s my 3rd day here and I randomly read about it on a leaflet in my apartment.
    Should I worry about it?

  4. Hello everyone,

    My wife and I are planning a two-week vacation in Montenegro in our camper van this summer. We’re looking for beautiful places that aren’t too crowded with tourists.

    Which hidden gems would you recommend visiting?

    Also, I read that wild camping is tolerated as long as we’re respectful of the environment. Is that true?

    Thank you!

  5. Is happy taxi the best way to get taxis in Budva?

    How can I go from Budva to Kamenovo beach? Which bus goes there and how much does it cost?

    What is the official taxi in the Podgorica airport?

    Please and thanks

  6. Conor_Ryan1 on

    Anywhere to watch GAA (Irish sport in Budva or surrounding areas?

    Hey there,

    My girlfriend and I are traveling to Budva and despite doing some checking I can’t find confirmation of anywhere that’ll show the All Ireland Hurling final on July 21st, would anyone happen to know where it’d be most likely we can watch this?

    (Her team is in the final for the first time in 20 years so can’t miss it)


  7. Proper-Post-1946 on

    I will be visiting Kotor and Budva/Becici next week and would like to visit a spa

    What is the etiquette around clothing? Is it mandatory to be nude in the sauna?


  8. SunnyDan8 on


    Me, my wife and my child (6yo) have rented an apartment right above old town in Budva. We were also considering an apartment in Herceg Novi but my wife seems to think it’s better beaches and more stuff to do and more shops and cafees in Budva. What’s your opinion on this?

  9. Leading_Lecture2203 on

    Hi guys! I’m an experienced mushroom picker, I’ll be in Montenegro in September, in which areas is it recommended to look for mushrooms? 🙂

  10. Planning an offseason trip to Montenegro (~10 days) in Jan or Feb, but am nervous about the idea of it being very rainy. If we spend our time in coastal towns, will it be hard to drive around and actually enjoy our vacation?

    The Internet seems to be mixed on coastal rains during Jan/Feb, so any guidance would be appreciated!

    To be clear, we don’t mind cold temperatures (we live in Chicago so this is a trip to break up our winter.). Rain is okay (to an extent) but ideally we’d like to do some beach walks, walking around town, etc. – even though it’ll be cold.  

    But will the rain be so much that it’s a bad idea to go in Jan or Feb?

  11. JuniorSound1888 on

    dje ima da se izadje dobro u podgorici? tipa da se ode na neki pank/metal il tako negdje gdje se mogu iskakati i istuci hahah

  12. ForgotenSlayer on


    Pozdrav svima,

    Narednih dana sam se planirao uputiti na voz Beograd-Bar, potom u Boku, drugarica mi je u Risnu pa bih gledao da smo ok povezani prevozom. Dve opcije koje sam našao što se tiče smeštaja su u Dobroti i Bijeloj. Ovaj u Bijeloj me izađe na 18 po noći, dok bi ovaj u Dobroti 30. Kakva je konekcija oba mesta sa Risnom. Šta biste izdvojili kao prednosti jednog, a šta drugog mesta? Negde sam po starim forumima naleteo na neke priče o brodogradilištu u Bijeloj i kako je voda zagađena, neznam koliko ta informacija i dalje stoji? O Dobroti donekle i znam nešto, ali o Bijeloj ništa. Mislite li da će biti prihvatljivo mesto?

  13. What’s the easiest way to get to Cijevna canyon and the Nijagara waterfall from Podgorica? Renting a bike / car? Is there public transport to those places at all?

  14. Suggestions for cliff/rock jumping near Ulcinj?

    Hi everyone, I’ll be staying in Ulcinj for a few days, the coastline looks pretty rocky. Are there any fun spots to jump from 2-10 meters?


  15. sVjesna_svega on

    Volušnica-Talijanka-Popadija, da li je bezbjedno ići u paru na hiking? Tj.koliko je preporučljivo jer naravno jasno mi je da apsolutna sigurnost nije moguća nidje.

    Ili imate neke druge predloge za Prokletije? Šta sve obići na tom području?

  16. TigrastiSmooth on

    # **Attention all tourists:**

    Supermarkets and other stores will be closed 13, 14, and 15 July. Be sure to do your grocery shopping before that

  17. SnooPears5012 on

    Hi everyone! We are going on a Europe trip from Latvia to Monetnegro(Kotor) and back. Staying in Kotor for 5 nights (August 10.-15.). 4 adults + 4 kids. (two families 2+2(6y,13y).

    I have read some previous posts, but maybe some things have already changed as to this date. therefore creating a new post.

    First question. Budva or Kotor? Which place would be best to stay at with kids.

    And do you have any suggestions of affordable apartaments or hotels or villas maybe? Looking for close to beach or with pool. Maybe there are better places to stay outside of Budva or Kotor.

    Maybe you or your friends have an apartament or house in those cities and suddenly they are going on vacation somewhere else and wants to rent out their places? 🙂

    By the way, we are very responsible families and kids are at age where your TVs will be safe :))

    Have a lovely day!

  18. Poz raja,dolazim iz Bosne po drugi put u Ulcinj na ljetovanje (Velika Plaža), i prosle godine nisam se bas proveo u nocnom zivotu bio sam blizu hotela Otrant i jedino sto sam vidio jeste nargila bar i restorani, pa me zanima ako ima gdje da se izade u neki klub,koncert,plaža party u blizini?
    Kako sam shvatio nocni zivot je mnogo bolji na maloj plazi..?

  19. puggario on

    Hello, does anyone have an official source for sun beds in beaches being free to use after 5pm? I have seen it in some article, and hotel staff has mentioned it being the case, but having an official website would great.

  20. tennisballop on

    Is public transportation navigation working on google maps?

  21. No-Insurance-1306 on

    Hello, I am in Sarajevo and I am going to take a bus to Montenegro where I have 4/5 days ahead of me. I would like to walk in the mountains and the lakes over the next few days. Do you have any ideas for a route or loop from Podgorica or another accessible city (Nikcic?) from bus (elsewhere I also like hitchhiking, is it common in Montenegro?)
    Thank you

  22. Simpstereee on

    Montenegro trip

    Hi, me and my friend (22) was planning a trip to montenegro. We have looked at Budva as it seems to have the most nightlife, but how is the acitivities during the day?

    I also wonder about the cost of taxi, what can you expect to pay?

    We love nature and it hiking. The optimal plan is to go to the beach, hike etc. during the day and then go out during the night.

    We are staying 10 days, any tips?

  23. Imamuthafucka on

    Any tips on leaving from Tivat airport?

    These reviews got me scared. Were planning to be there 2 hours and 30 minutes earlier before the flight. Is it the right choice?

  24. FrootiHoops on

    Anyone know if the  Ostrog Monastery is open tomorrow considering the national holiday? Will train from Podgorica be running?

  25. Zdravo svima,

    Koje plaže u Budvi ili okolini Budve imaju jeftinije ležaljke i hranu?

  26. ibuypaperbags on

    Will I experience language barrier in Montenegro as a tourist if something bad happens?

    Hi! I will be visiting Montenegro next month for a bus trip (Budva, Kotor, Nevidio Canyon),I will be staying at a hotel in Budva,I speak english and russian (I am neither russian or ukrainian) will it be enough if something happens, like to speak at hospitals, airports, embassy?
    I had a very bad accident last year in Italy and it is extremely important for me to be understood or I will have anxiety the whole trip, a thing I don’t want to experience.

    I mention I speak russian cause I was in North Macedonia a few years ago and got along with it, although didn’t do anything with english, and the opposite in Albania.

  27. Irina_Rina_Pan on

    Hi everybody,
    My husband and I have been planning a trip to Montenegro for the past couple of weeks, and are set to be arriving in Dubrovnik next week, and get a taxi to our hotel in Herceg-Novi. Only issue, is we have realized that my husband’s passport will be close to expiring just before we fly back home again. (before anybody gets upset, he applied for a passport renewal in January, and it still hasn’t arrived)
    For context:
    He is a holder of a non-eu passport, but has a valid residency permit for a Schengen country. He did not need a visa to enter Montenegro.
    His passport is expiring 2 days after we leave Croatia and are back at home.
    My question is, will he be allowed across the boarder with approx. 10 days remaining on his passport but holding a EU residency permit? And if by some miracle the boarder patrol allow him access for our week holiday, will he be allowed back into Croatia without a problem? (given that he will have 3 days remaining on his passport)
    Of course this is not ideal, and I have been trying to get info from all the embassy’s involved (no answers today so trying again tomorrow), but to ease my stressed-out brain, I was hoping to get some info here and hopefully figure out if I need to cancel the trip and try get some money back from our accommodation and flights, or do we risk it and go – and possibly end up holidaying in Croatia if we get turned around at the border.
    Thank you for reading this far and I hope to get some clarity on what to expect

  28. Fadileee on

    Pozdrav svima, planiram sa društvom ljetovanje u Crnoj Gori pa se dvoumimo između Herceg Novog i Sutomora. Gdje je bolje za omladinu, noćni život i kakve su plaže. Ako možete podijeliti vaša mišljenja bio bi vam veoma zahvalan 🙂

  29. Squeakinghinge on

    Hello there. I’m staying in the bay of kotor for two weeks in August. Can anyone suggest a gym that will allow me to visit in the area and is easy to access without a membership.

    Thank you

  30. jozinzbazin000 on

    Hi everyone,

    I will be staying in Budva from the 19th to the 25th of August.

    I know I will be visiting during the season, so I expect to be a lot of tourists in Montenegro. But I still wanted to ask you if it will be overcrowded in places like Stari Bar, Lipa Cave, Lovćen, and Kotor during the time of my visit. Do you have any tips for places, that are not well known among tourists?

    Are there any local websites where I can book an accommodation?

    I am also curious about tourist traps. What should I be looking for to not get scammed or not to get into trouble?

    Next topic: parking. Are there generally enough parking spaces in the places I mentioned above or should I be there early in the morning to be able to park my car?

    Last question I wanted to ask is about knives. I always carry a Victorinox Outrider (blade is 8cm + its Lockblade) or sometimes fixed blade knife. Apart from that what is Montenegro’s legislation on knives, retractable ba­tons or pepper sprays? I couldn’t find it, unfortunately.

    Thank you

  31. Flimsy_Juggernaut839 on

    We arrived in Montenegro yesterday at 18.30 (from Serbian border, by car). We didn’t make it to a tourist registration point in time. So 24h have passed. Some places say the tourists will have to register in 24h, some in 48h. Will it be alright if we registrer first thing tomorrow? We are in Podgorica and the main police station is also closed. We will stay here for 7 days, we’ll stay in Airbnbs.

  32. gigobyte on

    Hello, after watching some incredible travel videos online, I’ve decided that I want to spend a week working remotely from Montenegro.

    Can anyone recommend me towns and/or hotels/resorts where one can spend the day working with a nice view and then enjoy the evening on a beach/lake/pool? Price is not an issue, in fact I’m gravitating towards more luxurious places.


  33. bolchrysant on

    Hello! We are currently in Kotor and planning to go go to Shkoder tomorrow. Unfortunately bus is not an option, and we’d rather not rent and drive ourself. We met a guy who runs a tour/boat/taxi service here in Kotor and offerend to take us across the border to Shkoder. The guy seems legit and friendly, 30+ 5 star reviews on TripAdvisor nothing bad to be found.

    Our question is: is it unusual for taxis to bring you across the border? I’m not really sure if he is a legit taxi, will that be an issue? And lastly, is 120 euros a normal fee? It’s a 2,5/3 hour drive, I assume the money will be pocketed without paying taxes

  34. erase2018 on

    Hi! Quick question if anyone can help- we will need to get from Herceg Novi to Dubrovnik airport at the end of August, around 5am.. will it be easy to find a taxi? Will we be able to bus? Cost is not an issue here just need to make sure we get there. Thanks for any insight you can provide!!

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