Un anno fa, il parlamento lussemburghese ha approvato una modifica alla legge che rende più facile per i coniugi extra-UE che accompagnano i loro partner in Lussemburgo per lavoro accedere al mercato del lavoro non appena arrivano nel paese. In precedenza, i familiari di persone provenienti da fuori l’UE, che avevano già il permesso di vivere e lavorare in Lussemburgo, dovevano ottenere un permesso di lavoro prima di iniziare un lavoro o un’azienda, un processo che poteva durare mesi. https://www.luxtimes.lu/luxembourg/non-eu-spouses-get-easy-access-to-job-market/2169167.html

Questa modifica della legge ha migliorato le prospettive di lavoro per te o per qualcuno che conosci direttamente? Che la risposta sia sì o no, saresti in grado di discutere la tua esperienza con un reporter del Luxembourg Times? [ P. DALESIO](cortesia:emery.dalesio@luxtimes.lu) per un prossimo articolo di cronaca?

Si prega di inviare un messaggio privato o contattare Emery Dalesio a [emery.dalesio@luxtimes.lu](cortesia:emery.dalesio@luxtimes.lu)

Impact of law change for non-EU spouses accompanying their partners to Luxembourg
byu/haneyl inLuxembourg

di haneyl


  1. post_crooks on

    It’s positive but still limiting for families who don’t want to live apart for almost two years (imagine families with kids…), plus with the risk of the spouse permit being rejected. I don’t know for less common permits, but for normal employee permits, the spouse can only apply for a family member permit after the spouse with the main permit proves to have enough revenues for 12 months, and then the processing time is up to 9 months. I know two couples where the spouse got a normal permit before the waiting time. This has been improved in the meantime with easier access to blue cards where spouses can both apply and get the permit at the same time

  2. wi11iedigital on

    It’s easier for the Amazon third-country employees to have their friend refer their spouse so they can get a job there. Otherwise, not much different.

  3. TroubledJigglypuff on

    Well, my husband got a job offer here last year and I’m only able to work here as well because that law was changed, so for me it was quite positive as it would be a deal breaker for us if I couldn’t work, we wouldn’t even have moved here.

  4. Winter_Amoeba_1502 on

    It may be be helpful for newcomers who came to Lux after the law was passed. For spouses who were already in Luxembourg from before, it seems it didnt help much. Previously not many companies hired spouses who didnt have work permit. That created a work-exp gap of 4-5 or even more years. Now , after the law has been passed, the companies dont want to hire the same spouses because of this work experience gap. Net result: no job before the law; no job after the law (speaking from experience)

    Sure, we can discuss our personal experience

  5. Revenue-Mysterious on

    I didn’t knew about this law! Is effective from?.. it means that they will be grated the resident card not under family member but salaried worker??.

  6. Thanks for the feedback, everyone! Emery will go through the comments and messages.

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