Svelati tagli fiscali per 500 milioni di euro per il 2025

di haneyl


  1. kach_janani on

    > Prospective home buyers, who have been hit by rising interest rates, will also get tax support. This year and next year, interests paid on mortgages for existing flats will become fully tax deductible, at a cost of €40 million to the state budget, Roth said.

    So, can everyone deduct 100% of the interest paid? The word “existing flats” is not clear!

  2. No-Environment-5762 on

    The tax break for expats is a little unclear.

    “The government also plans to make changes to the so-called ‘expat regime’ aimed at attracting and retaining highly-skilled staff through tax credits.

    Eligible expats will see 50% of their gross annual wage go untaxed, up to an amount of €400,000. The other existing criteria that expats need to fulfil remains unchanged.“

  3. While I generally support lowering the tax burden and especially the decision to exonerate the unqualified minimum wage from any income tax given that you can’t really live on that wage here anyway (I would actually have opted to set the threshold at a even higher, more realistic “living wage” level) I have difficulties to relate to the decision of exonerating 50% of the annual wage of expats i.e.:

    “*50% de la rémunération brute annuelle exonérée d’impôts jusqu’à un maximum de 400.000 euros*”

    While I understand that we might have to offer perks to attract foreign talent, I think the degree of it is (a) another big slap in the face of any young native deciding to go into the private sector and being subject to the class 1 regime, (b) doesn’t tackle the foundational issue of channeling more local workers into the private sector and (c) I think it will politically misfire quite a bit as it will be water on the mills of right wing populists.

    Did I misinterpret this, are they really going to offer a *50%* tax exemption on the *annual wage*?

  4. sassy_rasperry on

    It’s absolutely shameful . Been working here for 13 years , classe 1 , give mostly half of my bonus / commissions to the governement and now they’re telling me that fucking CEOs will only pay 50 % of what we pay as little corporate slaves peasants ?? And let’s not forget the AMAZING gift they’re giving to decresead the taxes of single people . 8 % my ass .

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