Sadudin Gjura era un professore, poeta e drammaturgo albanese, nato a Shipkovica; Šipkovica, Tetova, Macedonia. Fu tra i primi educatori a Pollog e Malësia e Sharri; Catena montuosa.

Nel 1952, durante il periodo della Jugoslavia, fu espulso dall’insegnamento e ricevette una condanna a 14 anni di carcere, scontandone 8. Uscito dalla prigione con problemi mentali, lottò per affrontare la vita. In seguito, scomparve sui Monti Sharr durante un rigido inverno. Nel giugno del 1962, i suoi resti deformi furono trovati dai pastori locali. I dettagli della sua morte rimangono un mistero fino ad oggi.

di blitzdisease

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  1. blitzdisease on

    The new life of humanity is dawning

    freedom! how meaningful and precious is this word, if i could, with an illumination of thought, understand it in its entirety.. how wonderful is the broad and complete meaning hers, that we say with so much longing: freedom!

    how great it is the in the eyes of the oppressed, when they weigh with tears the blood of slavery!. and nothing else, big and tall, will remain, without devoting itself to freedom!

    how precious it is when it is taken from others and even the hearts of the elderly leap with enthusiasm! how beloved it is for the oppressed people, and how sweet it appears when we remember it..

    with mad love and hope from old times, which, as it comes, doesn’t wither, but advances, we think that there is nothing else in the world something so valuable, worthwhile, and magnificent.

    in the dark abyss of the cliff, where it never falters from the tumult of the waves to the fear of slavery, lives in the blossom of the breast the old and strong longing, dedicated for all life only to the memory of freedom!

    life and joy do not dwell in the wounded soul, when the heart wanders in the by darkness, when the tearful eye sees only sorrow and darkness, and on the ground, the tear of freedom falls!

    when the protest against injustice rises in wild rebellion from the oppression of the world and beyond; against tyrants, from the chains of slavery. the curse of the oppressed echoes from every side!

    in the uprising, a voice shouts and echoes, from the old cry, a new fire is born: with vivacity and steadfastness, the spirit roars, for the long-awaited fight for freedom!

    the cry of war and the flame take hold, into the fierce battle, it leads us forward: with blood in wild fervor, with courage and bravery, the longing for freedom is awakened even more!

    and like a volcano erupting at the peak of the earthquake revolution and war erupt everywhere; in front of our misty eyes, in the gunpowder smoke, stands the crimson flag of freedom!

    on the open horizon, a new star is born! with the light of salvation, it begins to shine. red as the blood of martyrs for freedom, it heralds the dawn of humanity’s liberation!

    o red star of humanity’s liberation with a great light that shines far and wide: shine even brighter with the light of freedom for the new life of humanity is dawning!

    -Sadaudin Gjura

    This is a badly translated poem from Albanian to English

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