Qualcuno ha visto la serie A Man in Full su Netflix?
È una grande serie, molto avvincente. Solo una cosa mi ha dato fastidio, cosa c’era con quel personaggio finlandese “Sirja”?
Le hanno dato un accento russo e l’hanno fatta sembrare una prostituta slava, e dice cose come “sei un grosso cane rosso americano” e semplicemente… non è per niente molto suomi meininki.
Sono l’unico che è rimasto parecchio infastidito da ciò? Vorrei che avessero incontrato un vero finlandese prima di creare questo personaggio in questo modo. In un certo senso è stato piuttosto offensivo.
Se non avete visto la serie, potete cercare clip su Google, ma i suoi dialoghi sono decisamente NSFW perché nella serie è praticamente un oggetto sessuale a caccia di soldi.
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I think there is a good chance you may be the only one, yeah.
Noticed that too and at bothered me aswell 😀 there are a lot of russians with finnish nationality in eastern Finland, but still it was very weird
I’m probably not going to watch the show, but wow, this is super lazy to the point of it not even being close to a stereotype of any sort. For anybody that isn’t already aware or partially familiar with Finland or Finnish things, this only serves to create false and very negative ideas in people’s minds.
or shock and horror…. Hire a Finnish actress for the role. Not that she still couldn’t be a gold digging sex object in the show. Sometimes that is just the character the story calls for. However, if the character is to be Finnish gold digging femme….Just hire a Finnish actress for it. There is roster full of them and all of them know english. You even get genuine Finnish accent for free. Problem is it’s probably way too good english for the show runners mind.
Or as Hydraulic Press Channel Lauri said in one of his interviews/ behind the scenes episodes…. He kept doing English videos, his English got better, but he had to kept playing the earlier “Rally english”, since that is what the shows character was. Lauri with rally english crushing things with the press.