L’uomo colpito alla testa da un agente di polizia all’aeroporto di Manchester ha una ciste al cervello, afferma l’avvocato


di 1DarkStarryNight


  1. Hungry_Pre on

    Holy smokes.

    The lad who’s head got kicked was released without charge but has got some kind of brain damage, his elder brother is a copper as well.

    Fudge me GM Police have got a massive sh1t show on their hands.

  2. RunAndHeal on

    I was against the sacking of the police when we had the cow incident a month ago. But seeing the amount of people defending this idiot for kicking someone’s head, lying on the floor… is just disgusting.

  3. Longjumping_Stand889 on

    >Mr Yakoob then said the family are “traumatised” and shared that Fahir’s older brother works as a police officer for Greater Manchester Police, who is now “afraid to go to work”.

    This story gets wilder.

  4. Historical-Steak-973 on

    Let’s hope the man that was kicked in the head *fully* recovers.

  5. preposterouspoophole on

    The officer was right out of order but this guy probably shouldn’t go starting fights if he’s got a cyst on his brain.

  6. Outside_Wish_2985 on

    There are two sides of the story but even after getting bits of both I think in the end the police force was excessive and unneeded and unprofessional.

  7. LightningGeek on

    One for the medical professionals to answer.

    Was the cyst most likely caused by the kick to the head, or would it have been something that was already present?

  8. Didn’t expect akhmed yakoob to be back in the news so quick

  9. Pretend-Jackfruit786 on

    Isn’t this the same Manchester police who were just in the news last week for leaving suspects naked and on the floor for hours in holding cells?

  10. PutinsTroll2243 on

    Irrespective of the Risk Briefing, Irrespective of any Resistance…………………There was no need, should have just tased him up if it was that bad. Head Stamping, that’s shameful.

  11. Agent_47H on

    That lawyer was an absolute disgrace portraying his clients as victims when they put 3 Police officers in the hospital as well and broke a woman’s nose. And as for the relative Police officer who is “traumatised to go to work”, get a fucking grip. He should be more ashamed of his asshole relatives for attacking police officers after entering the UK for the first time.

    Agreed, The police response was over the top but Sky portraying these 4 criminals as angels is beyond sickening and that lawyer is an absolute imbecile saying it had affected their view of the UK’s police.

  12. TheDarkWarriorBlake on

    The lawyer posted a video not long ago saying the guy hadn’t even been seen by doctors, now he’s been seen, in a British hospital no less with massive wait times, and had a full suite of tests done to assess he had a cyst on his brain. The lawyer is also defending these guys but says he doesn’t know what happened before the video.

    The lawyer reminds me of Saul Goodman with every appearance.

  13. denyer-no1-fan on

    >The force added that officers had been responding to reports of an assault at the airport before the footage was filmed.

    GMP should release whatever CCTV or body cam footage they have. There’s a lot of rumours swirling around about what actually happened and they better get the story straight or we will see more protests outside police stations.

  14. Rough-Sprinkles2343 on

    What type of cyst? Because many people have cysts in brain, liver, kidney and have no symptoms whatsoever and it’s been there for years

  15. iamabanevaderama on

    weird attempt to make this into a muslim goerge floyd moment.

  16. pendicko on

    Cyst wont have been caused by the kick(s). Zero chance. Sorry to piss on your bonfire.

    Source: am an nhs surgeon.

  17. NoPen4347 on

    The cop should be made to lye down, then have Someone boot him I the face and stomp on his head. Despise coppers all wrongens

  18. Happy-Ad8755 on

    Thanks to that officers actions this will now probably leech 100,000s of pounds from the public purse. If the suspect ends up with permanent damage it could be millions.

  19. originalface1 on

    Kind of mad to see people think police should be appointed as judge, jury and executioner.

    “But he punched a female officer”, yeah and that’s why the courts exist, to ensure he’s tried and punished properly.

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