Perché tutti sono così aggressivi sulla strada qui? Mi sta letteralmente facendo detestare questo paese. Le persone sono così piene di rabbia repressa che riescono a sfogarla solo sulla strada qui?
Non riesco MAI a rilassarmi quando guido perché c’è sempre qualcuno che mi ficca il naso nel sedere. È così maleducato! Non invaderei mai lo spazio personale di qualcuno quando cammino, aspetterei che ci fosse spazio sul sentiero e poi lo sorpasserei. Tuttavia, qui ho la sensazione che le auto siano quasi sempre dietro di me. Mi è anche capitato di fermarmi per farmi sorpassare e poi hanno suonato il clacson come se li avessi offesi personalmente.
Capisco che ci sono i frontalieri, ma in ogni città del mondo la gente deve fare lunghi viaggi, ma non si comportano come degli idioti completi. Perché questo è visto come socialmente accettabile? Sorpassare o prendere l’autostrada! Di solito guido al limite o appena sotto, quindi non è come se fosse una situazione alla guida di Miss Daisy! Cosa succede?!
Mi ha fatto passare la voglia di guidare, ma a un livello più profondo della psiche di questo "prima io " l’arroganza che sto osservando è la norma, piuttosto che l’eccezione.
Chiunque dica che Roma o l’India sono peggiori non ha colto il punto. Il Lussemburgo è uno dei paesi PIÙ sviluppati al mondo. Abbiamo anche una delle popolazioni più piccole e le valutazioni di qualità della vita più alte a livello globale. La mia domanda è perché le persone sentono il bisogno di seguire da vicino su strade a corsia singola. È pericoloso e aggressivo. È perché sotto la patina di essere contenti della nostra sorte, le persone sono sottoposte a lavori sempre più stressanti? È la distanza per i frontalieri? È perché a causa della mancanza di un senso di comunità tutta l’attenzione è rivolta all’individuo e c’è un disprezzo per la cortesia sociale quando non è vista/richiesto? O è l’influenza francese/belga/tedesca?
Sì, mi dà fastidio, ma sono anche sinceramente curioso. Ho guidato in Australia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Irlanda, Belgio, Francia e Germania. Onestamente, ho trovato la situazione peggiore qui. Tutti quelli che dicono che la velocità è quasi causata da una cattiva guida o da persone che guidano troppo lentamente, penso che non abbiano colto il punto. È un problema qui. La mia esperienza è che guidare appena sotto il limite di velocità (comportamento normale nella mia esperienza), è visto come inadeguato da molti dei miei colleghi conducenti, e loro lasciano trapelare la loro frustrazione tallonando.
Grazie a tutti per le vostre opinioni!
di Apprehensive_Visit23
French drivers are the worst, they are like Italians but even more aggressive
Go drive in Italy, Greece, Malta, Portugal it is worse…be happy with that in Lux….
well i usually drive 30 kmh in a 50 kmh zone now because there are always radars that make photos of you when you drive at 51 kmh and you pay 49 euros … i dont give a f* when someone drives behind me.
I was wondering that *all* of my friends and acquaintances hated situations like this. Me too!
So who are those people who drive like psychopaths?
Conclusion: Only people who are not my friends or acquaintances drive recklessly !
*Please keep in mind that this post is
meant to be sarcastic!*
Lots of comments are on excessive speed, DUI and insufficient safety distance.
All valid concerns but what about the “Let me surprise you when I change directions because indicators were clearly too expensive” crowd, the “changing across several lanes of traffic” guys, “the left turning lane is for right turning too now” drivers and the “priority means what?” people?
I have encountered only a handful of such incidents. I realized I was driving slowly on a fast lane. And in your case, you are doing it too and maybe looking at center mirror once every 20-30 secs will keep you updated on who is behind you.
drive 50 where it’s 50. drive 90 when it’s 90. drive 70 when it’s 70. drive at least 120 on highway. dont take 5min to start at a red light or a turn. all problems solved 👌
Never had bad experiences in Lux. +4 years here.
If you are feeling unrelaxed here, you should try Belgium
There is a disproportional level of road rage here. People are stressed out. The constant works on the highways invites drivers to become more adventurous in their manoeuvres. Often risking quite a bit to get what? Perhaps a 1min gain in time to destination at best ?
The other day I was driving in the right lane of a 2 lane turn (no option to go straight). Both lanes can turn left, but only the right lane can turn right. I was turning left because at the next turn, I would want to go right, so being in the right lane would be best for me. The person in the left lane, however, wanted to turn right. She didn’t indicate (I was indicating left), we never made eye contact so there was no negotiation of me doing her a favour and letting her break the law. She just straight up turned right from the left lane as if my car wasn’t even there. She missed hitting the side of my car where both me and my baby were (baby sitting behind the driver’s seat) by about 10 inches. I have no idea what goes on in people’s minds sometimes. If I saw her again I honestly think I would lose it on her. I honked a lot and gave her the finger.
haaa finally the daily rant has been posted
When I’m on the highway and look in the rearview mirror and notice that someone wants to overtake me, I can now say with over 90% accuracy whether it’s a French or Belgian driver or a Luxembourgish or German driver. The French and Belgian drivers really drive almost up to the bumper and then pull out closely behind you. After they finish the overtaking maneuver, they also cut back closely in front of you onto the right lane of the highway. Many Luxembourgers don’t do this, and most German drivers maintain a safe distance both before and after overtaking.
I’ve now made a game of it. When I see a car in the rearview mirror, I guess whether it’s a Belgian, French, Luxembourgish, or German driver. Almost always, I’m right with my guess.
I have never agreed with a post this much.
I’ve once had someone GLUED to me, so I honestly got insanely stressed out by it and honked at him. He overtook me, went in front of me, and completely brake checked me from 70kmh to a full stop. I almost fully crashed into him. In what world do we live where people pull off something like this, endangering others because their little man pride got hurt when someone told them to not push them so hard? Just because it didn’t go fast enough for him? Why even need to speed like this all the time? The dude even got out of his car and yelled at me (I’m a 28F, he was at least 50M) It’s a shame dashcams aren’t allowed here. Welcome to Luxembourg, I guess
The rule is simple:
if you are not overtaking, you stay on the right lane.
if you are overtaking and someone wants to overtake faster than you, this someone wait until you are finished overtaking and then he can speed.
I usually drive faster than the speed limit, but I will never stick to the butt of a car if he is overtaking at his speed. However, if he stays on the left lane without overtaking, then this pisses me off.
Yes, they are super obnoxious
Omg, about a month ago someone was pushing us so much and drove so close to us and my boyfriend was so annoyed by it he wouldn’t let him overtake us. Like we were just about to drive into a town so he would have to slow down anyway after like a minute or two, it just made zero sense. That resulted in him beeping, blinking and following us for like 10 minutes, and we could see in the mirror that he was screaming and giving us the finger. We tried to shake him off but he continued to follow us to the point where we got fucking scared. Finally he overtook us, stopped and ran out of his car towards us. Like he was ready to smash our car and my boyfriend. Wtf. How can you get that aggressive over something like that 😳
🫣This is so surprising. I’m here for 5 years and it is most chillout place to drive I’ve ever experienced. Try Poland or Italy.
OP where are you from and where did you learn to drive. It would give context as to what you are expecting.
Lux has the best drivers Ive come across, very chill. You should see Italy or France. Plus seems for everyone, someone else is the a-hole on the road, including you being that a-hole. We’re all that
Try Rome. You’ll love driving in Luxembourg afterwards.
Relax man! Stay on the right and u will be relaxed lol
It’s just bizarre the level of impatience on the road for a country where everything else is so lackadaisical. Gotta hurry up to get to that guichet…
I’m a very relax and cautious driver myself. And I really hate toxic drivers that leave no space. I drive a SUV so I try my best to be fuel efficient. I had to stop caring about what’s behind me in order to drive the way I want to drive. So I barely look into the rearview mirror, unless I have to break for a turn (which I signal in advance). No one drives perfectly, but it’s really not that difficult to not be an idiot on the road.