Ciao a tutti,

Mi sono trasferito di recente in Finlandia e ho portato un adattatore dal mio paese d’origine. L’adattatore ha due pin, ma non sono arrotondati, quindi non entra nelle prese qui. Ho visto che le prese finlandesi usano pin rotondi.

Qualcuno può consigliarmi se c’è un modo per usare questo adattatore qui? Devo acquistare un nuovo adattatore o convertitore? Se sì, dove posso trovarne uno che funzioni con le prese finlandesi?


di meetrafi


  1. Menithal on

    First time Travelling?

    You need an adapter for the power plug (you can find them under name of “Travel Adapters” or locally “Matka-Adapteri”.

    That one looks like Type A, indicating you are either from US, Mex, Can, JPN or any of the SEA countries that run at . European tend to weer towards Type F. You can find some in Clas ohlson like [this one.]( Note that the device you hold in your hand is not grounded however.

    You may also want to make sure your device is rated to support the EU power grid. Countries that use Type A, tend to run their devices at 110-130V with 60hz. Finland runs at 230V 50hz. See [](

    Most modern AC-DC Converters, like the one you hold should work just fine; but its you should read the text and read if it can work with our power grid. So the caution above is for any other thing you may plug in.

  2. remuliini on

    What do you need it for? For a laptop charger or any device with a separate power cord you can typically change the cord, and it is way easier to use it here in the long run. If it is for a charger, just get a new charger.

    Pretty much the only problematic solution would be toothbrushes and stuff like that, where there is a fixed cord or a proprietary plug to the device.

    If you are moving here, the adapter is not the long term solution anyway.

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