Ehi, ieri siamo andati a Uppsala e abbiamo visto un’auto davanti a lui che trasportava una seconda targa in una borsa sotto l’altra targa. È una cosa comune in Svezia?

di S_Stratti


  1. anti-krister on

    Green one is temporary plates for test-driving when car is owned by a dealership

  2. Dealer plate to test drive a car that is not road registered and taxed (”avställd”). When a car is for sale its unregistered to avoid paying taxes when its not on the road, so for test drives they use the green plates. When its sold the registration is reavtivated and it wont need the green

  3. Will add to the other answers, it’s most commonly used by dealers for test drive purposes, but also by vehicle manufacturers for transporting vehicles to/from dealers or to train/shipping hubs

  4. Illustrious-Peak3822 on

    Adding to above answers, the dealership may have 200 cars in stock which they won’t like to pay tax and insurance for, so they get say 5 green plates at some premium price to act as temporary road tax and insurance for whichever unregistered car in traffic it’s mounted on.

  5. The JGS634 is a VOLVO M + V40 that is unregistered.

    The CKS03T is a commercial vehicle license that gives the holder the right, under certain circumstances, to drive vehicles that are unregistered on Swedish roads and within the Nordic region.

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