Accidenti, cosa ci succede?!

di Mobile-Slide


  1. GuddeKachkeis on


    Low rate of marriages.
    And lots of immigrants who came married to Luxembourg and can now be divorced from mama‘s boys.

    I am more surprised about Russia‘s divorce rate.

  2. Any_Strain7020 on

    Culturally mixed couples that end up imploding sooner or later? Or expat couples that have a hard time making friends, putting a lot of pressure on one partner?

  3. Does it only take traditionnal marriages in account, or civil partnerships too?
    Because that could explain the higher number.

  4. LeifSized on

    Married couple moves in as expats, one spouse has nothing to do, tensions rise, divorce.

  5. NamaNamaNamaBatman on

    As with all these per capita figures it is skewed by all the cross border workers availing of the low VAT on divorces.

    Go to Berchem on a Friday evening and you’ll see them all stocking up on jumbo sized divorces for the weekend.

  6. mortdraken on

    It’s all those people who want a free extra few days of holiday. You PACs one year, marry 5 years later, divorce and then start again. Gotta get those holiday gains! /s

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