Ciao a tutti! Ho acquistato questa lampada da Ekotori e volevo montarla sul soffitto (foto allegate). Ho sbagliato? Avete qualche idea su come fissare una lampada come questa a un gancio come quello? Grazie in anticipo!

di bearlady1993


  1. hyposmith on

    Take out the screw in the middle of the cover. Beneath should be two other screws which match the holes in your lamp

  2. mynutshurtwheninut on

    Theres no hook in your lamp, you’re supposed to drill some holes in the ceiling and screw it in those. So either get a new lamp or get to drilling, brrrrrrrrrr

  3. 1. There should be a screw right next to the hook. Unscrew it to take out the plastic cover
    2. Undeneath the cover should be a crossbar that the hook and plug socket are attached to. Remove it
    3. Disconnect the wiring for the plug socket and connect it to the lamp you bough. You’re techically supposed to hire an eletrican to do this, but barely anyone follows that advice.
    4. You should be able to attach the lamp to where the crossbar was that you removed on step 2.

    You can do steps 3 and 4 in reverse order if you have enough room to rewire the the lamp when it is attached to the ceiling.

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