Incidenti e sostanze chimiche a Mandra dopo l'”intervento” del KKE in un evento della Camera ellenico-ucraina
La Germania si prepara alla guerra con la Russia. La Bundeswehr raccomanda alle aziende private di fare lo stesso
Ieri nuotavo a Monaco e ho notato queste cose enormi nell’acqua. Qualcuno sa a cosa servono? di Scuderia_16
luker1771 on 10/08/2024 11:58 Something to break the waves I expect, or to stop boats entering that area?
zelioze on 10/08/2024 12:18 Wave breakers. They are full of sand and the lifeguards get annoyed when you stand on them.
Are they not nets of some sort to stop jelly fish ?
Something to break the waves I expect, or to stop boats entering that area?
Wave breakers. They are full of sand and the lifeguards get annoyed when you stand on them.