Vivete davvero così? È normale? Ho dovuto andare a dormire alle 3 di mattina, perché solo allora la temperatura è tornata normale. Ora sono seduto all’ombra, 36 gradi, a ripensare alle scelte di vita.

di ItsKelomelo


  1. chopper2585 on

    Absolutely not normal. It’s even worse in the balkans right now

  2. jachcemmatnickspace on

    nah this one is extreme. There was one more heat wave like this in July. Definitely not standard. We are cooked as well

  3. beggs23k on

    wdym, its all over Europe, letalone Southern Europe you have places close to 40 degrees.

  4. there is no global warming you are just imagining it 😉

    BTW its a bit better outside of Bratislava, and in the mountains and close to forests it is much better

  5. Legal-Weight3011 on

    last couple of years its like this , Winters used to be a full of snow, nowadays there is no snow or only few days a year, when i was a kid i remember i was melting in 25 degrees now i am melting in 30+ and i live in a quite *COLD* area for Slovakia

  6. lietajucaPonorka on

    Problem is, Bratislava specifically is not designed to handle such weather.

    There are many places where there are no trees, long streets with no shade, cement parking lots with tiny “decoration” trees which barely make any shade.

    This year the city cut down bunch of trees, right on the path I walk to get home, so now the walk is especially hellish because the pavement is basically being roasted by sun, non stop since 7~am

  7. ComprehensiveTax7 on

    It’s not normal. Only hotter places than europe (especially central and balkans) are sahara, arabian peminsula, iraq and iran.

    Hell, you could go to equatorial africa to cool down at this point.

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