Pazzesca perdita di pacchetti (o latenza) a Skopje. I giochi online sono ingiocabili. Sto usando Telekabel (tramite T-mobile Fiber 1 Gigabit cablato). CS2, Apex Legends, Discord si disconnettono ogni 30 secondi. I miei cavi di rete e router funzionano bene. Telekabel non riesce a risolvere il problema. È normale a Skopje?

di adilakif


  1. Not really? Not sure what the issue could be, but that’s not really normal.

  2. I_Am_Towel on

    Telekabel is shit provider. Try disconnect your router for about 5 mins, then plug it in again, i have similar issues with tk.

  3. oofdonia on

    WiFi is incredibly shit today for some reason, if I had to guess it’s everyone coming back from vacation.

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