Il governo finlandese continua a insistere con la controversa regola dei tre mesi, nonostante la quasi totale opposizione durante la consultazione

di championshuttler


  1. sylvestris- on

    “When a person who has moved to Finland for work has obtained a work-based residence permit for a particular profession, it is highly unlikely that they would be able to meet the qualification and competency requirements for another profession during the validity of their residence permit,”

    A lot of immigrants are multi-skilled and in some countries you can’t survive without having a wide range of skills to offer.

    But it is true some of them are useless abroad or requires extra training to take place.

  2. k-one-0-two on

    Well… at least I’d like to thank all those who opposed this

  3. Fevernova2002 on

    This country turned into to right wing shithole very fast

  4. AmBigFan on

    US like rules with Sub-Saharan employment opportunities for an immigrant

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