Ciao a tutti.
Sono un madrelingua inglese in visita a Riga. Ho comprato 5 etalon dal supermercato Mego ma temo di essere molto confuso su come convalidarli durante un viaggio in tram. Posso scannerizzarli sul tram? Ho provato l’app Mobilly ma non so il lettone… per favore aiutatemi! Grazie.
di DisastrousRaspberry7
You need to scan them
Beep them on those small terminals with a small green screen, those that are fitted on the vertical handles.
You need to validate it on a validator (small yellow device with a screen attached to a handrail)
Mobily language can be changed: go to menu in the top left corner> Profils un iestatijumi> Iestatijumi> Valoda EN
Just beep it on that small thingy on the pole opposite of the big thingy. That big thingy is for buying the e-talon which you already have.
see that device on railing – beep it there. 1 etalons = 1.5 hour, if u change to any other public transportation and u beeped it less in less than 1.5h u can reuse the same e-talon( yellow ticket), but must beeped it again.
From RÄ«gas satiksme site:
A 90-minute ticket can be used for 90 minutes, with the option to travel on any tram, trolleybus or bus route (a ticket must be registered each time another public transport vehicle (tram, trolleybus, bus) is entered). Registration of the last ticket can be made in the 89th minute from the first registration and is valid up to the destination. When entering the next form of transport, a new ticket has to be registered – it can be done, if two or more tickets are loaded.
Solved. Thank you… I feel kinda silly I needed help to figure this out.