Ciao a tutti, non sono sicuro che questo sia il subtitle giusto in cui postare il mio post.

Ma all’hotel Maude’s di Enskede, Stoccolma, le bici dei miei genitori (olandesi/danesi) sono state rubate dalla loro auto ieri sera. I ladri hanno rotto il portabici e hanno portato via le bici chiuse a chiave. Hanno sporto denuncia alla polizia, ma la polizia ha detto di guardare online se li vediamo. Hai dei suggerimenti su dove cercare?

Le bici erano una bici da corsa blu elettrico e una bici da corsa Canyon rossa. Entrambe nuove di zecca.

TLDR; biciclette rubate ai genitori a Stoccolma. Dove cercare online.

di hvlreddit


  1. Big_Gap_637 on

    Facebook market, I guess… Did the police really ask you to do their job for them? 

  2. bjartrfjolnir on

    Sadly it is easier to win the lottery than getting stolen bikes back in Sweden. The bikes are probably not even in the country anymore.

  3. I found my stolen bike on Facebook Marketplace. Cops told me I had to identify the bike in person before they could do anything, but also that I shouldn’t under any circumstances meet up with the guy (????????). I just got my insurance money and bought a new bike, the system let the thief win. Even “stealing” your own bike back that u own is illegal here…

  4. angrybeehive on

    Welcome to the theft capital of the world. There are around 70k-80k reported bike thefts per year and none of the incidents are investigated.

    I’m sorry to say that the chance of those bikes being returned is very slim.

  5. DustbunnyBoomerang on

    I’m sorry for this. Check various places people sell stuff.
    Facebook market place

    I’m overly paranoid when it comes to my bikes. When I’m not biking both of them are in my kitchen (in my one room apartment). I don’t even trust the storage units at the basement floor to keep them safe. Found drill marks on my brother’s bike while storing it down in the basement. Very likely one of the tenants actually living here because you need a key tag to get in.

  6. Essess_1 on

    Oof, the Canyon seems expensive. Did they happen to have insurance on it?

  7. Facebook Marketplace and Blocket. Only works if they are amateur bike thiefs/drug addicts though. Professionals will send them overseas.

    My advice: forget about them. they’re gone. get new bikes. it sucks, but it’s better to do that then thinking about them for months

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