Attualmente sto viaggiando nell’Austria occidentale e ho visto diverse case, capanne e baracche con questi marchingegni di legno nella parte anteriore. Cosa sono?
Sembrano persiane, ma dietro non ci sono finestre.
di CaptFuzzyButt
They could be handles of scythes.
It would be easier to identify if the resolution of the photo was higher.
These constructions are used to store and dry hay after mowing on the field before bringing it home dry. There are dozens of dialect names for them, one of them literally translated “rider”.
Looks like Stangger (they have a lot of different names depending on region).
They’re used to dry hay. You pile the grass on from bottom to top and make a “Heumandl” so that the hay can dry without being damp from the floor and with enough air circulation so there’s no mold.
This wiki entry shiws exactly what they are used for, posters before already mentioned it. They are there to dry grass to become hay.
In the wiki you see hiw they are used.