Li ho trovati sulla porta di casa. I giornali sono gratuiti in Germania? Se non lo sono, quali sono?

di amm98d


  1. Yakushika on

    Those are free, yes. Generally they’re more ad than newspaper, which is how they make money. “Proper” newspapers do cost money though.

  2. Lordy927 on

    Some are. They are mostly ad-sponsored and not really up to date.

  3. dodgerecharger on

    Many cities have these free local “newspaper” informing about local stuff. With a lot of advertising.

  4. KitchenError on

    Because no one else has pointed it out: Those free “newspapers” are virtually always only weekly chronicles. A proper newspaper I would expect to be published daily.

    They are usually called something like “Wochenblatt” (like the one shown by you), “Wochenanzeiger” or something like this and fully paid for by ads. Many people don’t fancy that kind of trash and put signs like “Keine Werbung, keine Gratiszeitungen” (no advertisements, no free newspapers) on their doors. Unfortunately according to some court rulings the papers can ignore this, while some other court rulings say they must be obeyed. It is unclear.

    Here is a German language Wikipedia article about these kind of periodicals: [](

  5. florian-r on

    These are just coupons and advertisements – no newspaper. Printed Newspaper cost around 2-3€/issue. Basic digital newspaper starting at 5/month. Public radio and television cost 17€/month.

  6. Alles_fritte on

    Those free and ad infested newspapers are called “Käseblatt” or “Käseblättchen”.

  7. Aethysbananarama on

    Those were used as toilet paper or to make fire in the oven

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