Ciao, vivo in Germania. E c’è questo uccello enorme sul nostro balcone da stamattina. Penso che sia ferito, dato che non si spaventa quando provo ad aprire la porta del balcone. E cammina anche in modo strano. Ho paura di tenerlo in braccio o anche solo di aprire la porta del balcone. Mi dispiace per quella poveretta. Cosa faccio?
di Ok_Swimming17
Search for “Tierrettung” + your city and give them a call?
Do you speak German? I found a couple of potentially helpful sites searching “Verletzte Taube gefunden was tun”.
It’s a pigeon. If it has white circles on its “cheeks”, it’s a wood pigeon.
Do you still have a Facebook account? There are two groups that can help you and your pigeon:
Wildvogelhilfe-Notfälle (for the wood pigeon,
Tauben-Notfallmeldung (for a regular pigeon,
When requesting to join, mention that you have a pigeon emergency. Once you’re a group member, post what you posted here, but add your postal code, so volunteers in your area can be alerted.