Fondamentalmente il titolo. Affitto un appartamento nelle Fiandre. Ero via, sono entrato in bagno e ho trovato questo. Il vicino di sotto ha sentito l’esplosione, ha visto che non ero in casa. Ho solo l’assicurazione antincendio di base. Chi copre i costi, il proprietario o io?

di X108CrMo17


  1. Piemel-Kaas on

    You? Even if you were home it broke while you are renting.

    Also how does this break at random?

  2. smokysquirrels on

    Read your fire insurance again. Most include indoor glass breaking.

    Otherwise, cost will be for you, unless you can prove it is an installation error.

  3. hijo_fire on

    How does that spontaneously break? It’s very unlikely that your landlord will be paying for this.

    – seems like such glass doors do break spontaneously after all!

  4. Goldentissh on

    You contact your insurance. Option 1, they cover it, option 2 you contact your legal assistance insurance and you let them solve it.

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