Questo cartello significa che sono 30 solo durante le ore di silenzio, o sono sempre 30 per motivi di riduzione del rumore? Se è il primo caso, perché non indicare semplicemente gli orari? Se è il secondo caso, perché devo sapere il motivo?

di dieumica


  1. thewindinthewillows on

    It’s always 30. The sign is just there as an explanation. There are others like that, for instance saying that there’s a school or Kindergarten.

    I suppose the hope is that people won’t go “this road doesn’t look like I need to be that slow, so I’ll speed” when they know that they’re disturbing people or potentially running over small children.

  2. Count2Zero on

    I believe that there’s some law that allows the town to lower the speed limit if there is a good reason (e.g. a school or Kindergarten, or to reduce noise for the residents). They can do this on their own authority (thus the explanation). If they didn’t explain it, someone could take them to court because a general 30 kmh zone needs to be approved by the state government, not the regional or local one.

  3. Valid_Username_56 on

    As a German I appreciate youre mindset of “Don’t explain, just tell me what to do and I will do it!”

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