Non voglio usare un linguaggio volgare, ma cosa c’entra quel dannato Dadivank, un monastero apostolico armeno del IX secolo, con l’Albania? Voglio dire, l’Azerbaijan ha già ripreso il Karabakh, quindi perché ha bisogno di queste cose? Nessuno al mondo crede a queste bugie e al governo non importa cosa credano le persone al suo interno. Quindi, qual è il motivo di questa stupida propaganda?

di Leamsezadah


  1. Leamsezadah on

    The major Illusory truth effect case of Azerbaijan

    We don’t need these lies!

    We don’t need these lies!

    We don’t need these lies!

    Don’t touch the religious buildings of Armenian origin, don’t do anything, just let them stay there. Don’t restore them or anything. Just don’t touch them. Let nature decide their fate like what Armenian people did with Azerbaijani temples and cities like Aghdam. Fair, revengeful but not barbaric. Learn to act smart

    We need to focus on building a lot of new cities in Karabakh. Just let the religious buildings remain there as they are. Why do you feel the need for these lies?

  2. „It’s actually…”

    I mean, did anyone say whom does this church belong to? What’s the point of this note?

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