The only Flemish thing is the boterhammen/brooddoos. The rest( fruit, vegetables) is more of a Bento-Japanese thing.
begon11 on
Nen boterham met kaas?
Beef-Lasagna on
I find it very endearing when adults take out these lunch boxed during a work conference and start eating in the audience with the speaker still talking or a panel discussion.
MajTroubles on
Those boterhammen better have some preparé on them or else
Never seen this before in my life
The only Flemish thing is the boterhammen/brooddoos. The rest( fruit, vegetables) is more of a Bento-Japanese thing.
Nen boterham met kaas?
I find it very endearing when adults take out these lunch boxed during a work conference and start eating in the audience with the speaker still talking or a panel discussion.
Those boterhammen better have some preparé on them or else