Oggi andrò a Rovaniemi e resterò lì per 2 giorni.
Sto solo controllando questo sito web e non riesco a capirlo perché non parlo finlandese.
Qualcuno potrebbe gentilmente dirmi cosa sta dicendo? Spero di essere fortunato stasera o domani 🙂
Northern Lights in Rovaniemi
byu/CanadianLivingInUs inFinland
di CanadianLivingInUs
Copy-paste to chatGPT. Even Google translate will probably give you an understandable answer.
How about this “in english”: [](
Google Translate works well, just paste the URL into it.
As of now it states: (sorry for the formatting)
# Northern lights and space weather 30.8. at 10:05 a.m
**Space weather is a bit active**
The solar wind is still affected by the mass eruption of the corona that arrived on Tuesday. However, geomagnetic activity has been low. The effects of the mass eruption are expected to subside today, Friday. The speed of the solar wind has slightly increased since yesterday, but is still at the usual level. The fast flow of the coronal opening may further accelerate the solar wind in the coming days. However, the weekend’s space weather will remain mostly calm.
Probability of northern lights in the coming nights:
Fri-Sat: small
Sat-Sun: small
Sun-Mon: small
Northern lights and space weather 30.8. at 10:05 a.m Space weather is a bit active The solar wind is still affected by the mass eruption of the corona that arrived on Tuesday. However, geomagnetic activity has been low. The effects of the mass eruption are expected to subside today, Friday. The speed of the solar wind has slightly increased since yesterday, but is still at the usual level. The fast flow of the coronal opening may further accelerate the solar wind in the coming days. However, the weekend’s space weather will remain mostly calm. Probability of northern lights in the coming nights: Fri-Sat: small Sat-Sun: small Sun-Mon: small