Ciao a tutti, che tipo di adattatore mi serve per poter collegare una plafoniera qui?
Oggi sono andato all’IKEA e ho notato che l’adattatore che ho trovato lì non può essere utilizzato con questo tipo di apparecchio.
di AttentionEcstatic556
You don’t need an adapted, just connect wires directly. You may need some additional wire though.
(Your not really visible, need to guess)
You may want to call an electrician or find a guy who has the knowledge to do this kind of small electrical installation
Take out the relevant fuses & make sure there’s no electricity in the wires.
There are three wires. One is usually green and striped with some other color. That’s the ground. If your lamp has three wires, one of them should look similar and you connect it to the ground. The other two are connected to the other two wires, how does not matter in this case.
You can use the already provided plastic bits to connect the wirse. The red ones are clip on, the white one requires a screwdriver.