Ciao a tutti, buon fine settimana!

Ho visto alcuni appartamenti tradizionali svedesi con questa pannellatura sul muro. In inglese si chiama pannellatura o modanatura, ma non riesco a trovare la parola equivalente in svedese: qualcuno potrebbe cortesemente chiarire come si chiama, per favore?

Chi tenderebbe a installarlo, un falegname o un pittore? Ci sono buoni siti web per cercare persone per cose come questa?

Scusate se la domanda è banale, ma faccio fatica a trovare le risposte!

Grazie 🙂

di Rupy271


  1. ICA_Basic_Vodka on

    Väggpanel. can help you find contractors like craftsmen.

  2. Vägglister, bröstlister and väggpanel. Heard many words used to reference it.

  3. isperdrejpner on

    Please don’t do this in a house built after 1915, it looks like a cosplay.

  4. Tiana_frogprincess on

    Spegelpanel it means mirror paneling. If you mean paneling in general it’s väggpanel (wall paneling)

  5. Mosshome on

    As many have pointed out this type of panelling is called spegelpanel, and I’d say woodworker rather than painter.

    And pref getting it designed for your room by someone who has a good understanding of suitable ratios and why. So an interior decorator with background in art and good knowledge of historical building design.

    Shouldn’t be as hard to fins as it may sound. Easier to find people to design it in Sthlm and Gbg of course, but the type of apartments where it fits is easier to find at prices that aren’t absolutely astronomical is Malmö.

    Don’t try to make it and put it up yourself as a DIY project if you want to keep your sanity, do if you’re not too particular about that, and don’t get it if you don’t have *really* tall ceiling height. But if you do have that, hey, why not. It’s pretty cool.

  6. chosenone1242 on

    *Spegelpanel*. You can rather easily do it yourself with *dekorlist*.

    Plenty of tutorials on YouTube.

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