Come fa Remich, una città di 4.000 abitanti e proprio accanto alla (più economica) Germania ad avere così tanti parrucchieri? Ne conto almeno 7, escluso quello per i cani.

di Priamosish


  1. 1. The dog one does not compete with the human ones (I think you implied that anyway)
    2. The VAT in Germany is 19% and only 17% in Luxemburg making it possible to price competitively even if the labour force is more expensive.
    3. It is the biggest town within 15-20km from its centre and a lot of people are visiting it simply for its vista.
    4. 4000 / 7 is aprox 570. You would not be exactly be able to make bank with that kind of population, but a living is possible. Lets say each of these people need to go to a hair dresser once a month and you charge them 40, so you have 570 * 40 = 22.800 EUR a month then. This is a super basic scenario that I am presenting here and obviously there are more factors (not everyone has hair, not everyone goes to a hairdresser since a family member may cut their hair), but even with half of this amount you are still making ok money (ignoring any tipping).

  2. Flat_Lavishness3629 on

    Remich / mondorf is for old people. They have money.

  3. elric_99 on

    How does Remich has no decent cafe / coffee? That’s the question 🙂

  4. carbonide11 on

    According to your logic, why is there anything in Luxembourg?

    Shouldn’t we just pack up shop, outsource everything and just spend our endless money?

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