Ciao ragazzi, prima abbiamo una brutta esperienza e poi veniamo minacciati di essere citati in giudizio. Avete esperienza con un problema del genere? Penso che l’idea sia che io elimini la recensione e la persona non farà causa. Ma questo sembra letteralmente solo un mal di testa e ovviamente ingiusto. Sto decidendo di fissare un appuntamento con la Verbraucherzentrale se possono aiutarmi. Non voglio proprio eliminare la recensione.

di Key_Hyena9033

1 Comment

  1. IANAL, but you make a number of allegations in your review which “damage her honour”; so if you don’t have documented proof of what you assert, she could indeed get the review pulled. Even if she can’t prove defamation, it looks like it could certainly rise to the level of “malicious gossip”. It’s unclear, for example, why you decided to publicly denounce her as “xenophobic” and “racist” just because she claimed that something was down to a “cultural difference”.

    However, you should wait until you are officially contacted by this. The obvious route for her to go would be to lodge a complaint with Google, which will normally result in Google taking your review down and asking for proof of your allegations before reinstating it.

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