Parviz Abiyev è un attore part-time, analista dati full-time che lavora per Pasha Life (parte di Pasha Holding di proprietà di Mehriban Aliyeva). È un ex militare azero, che ha anche profanato una tomba armena a Shahumyan (Agagi Agcakand).

Elbrus Kerimli studia giornalismo presso l’Università statale di Baku ed è membro del comitato dell’Unione studentesca.

Entrambi vivono a Baku, ma in qualche modo votano come residenti di Stepanakert e rilasciano interviste ai media statali elogiando Ilham Aliyev.

di markarmenia


  1. perimenoume on

    A farse — like everything else they do, are, and claim to be.

  2. approx500 on

    What a sad clowns show!
    I wonder what’s the pay? 15-20 manats?

  3. pride_of_artaxias on

    What’s the point of this state besides finishing what their Anatolian cousins started more than a century ago? Their destruction of artefacts spanning a millenium and more, and the annihilation of one of the most stable and long standing Armenian entities that was in place since before their migration en masse are acts of such savagery and barbarity, that I can only surmise that indeed the only sole reason of the existence of Azerbaijan is to export evil. I don’t use the word ‘evil’ lightly, but I find it is the only way to describe the state of Azerbiaijna.

    A modern-day Mordor that has virtually no redeeming qualities. A dark stain upon humanity…

  4. External_Wishbone767 on

    🤣😂 sorry but this shit is hilarious the knife photo was too much

  5. TrappedTraveler2587 on

    Well, I wish them nothing but tragedy and pain I guess, but hey that’s how you get ahead in a kleptocratic regime. You’re looking at the future cabinet of AZ folks.

  6. Bro, who the fuck is this clown? He’s got nothing on Ibrahim, the one an only mayor/journalist/soldier/bus driver.

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