Ngl penso che Socar, Turkish Airlines e Beko siano più importanti di qualsiasi cosa siano “ucraft”, “relq”, “BALDI” o “Zildjian” 💀😭

di RyanGosling_az


  1. TheeRoyalPurple on

    Zilciyan istanbul’da mehter takımına zil üreren şimdilerde abd’de baterilere zil üreten bir firma. Reddit de Amerikan. Anlamadım yine sacma sapan propagandaya benziyor, kullandıkları harita da bir garip

  2. TheReimor on

    Bruh they have just put forward all companies they have and all the ones have at least one -yan guy working for them.

    If we apply the same logic then oh boi….OH BOI

  3. Leamsezadah on

    If they dont want to use then they should not use. Not problem of me or you lol. Çoxda vecimizə idi axı bir dənə Glendale sakini Socardan qaz almayacaq vəya Socarın cibinə 10 qəpik az girəcək

  4. Worth-Pay-691 on

    According to his logic, the Russian oil company “Lokoil” is an azerbaijani company because its owner is Azerbaijani. But never mind, “Socar” is more valuable than all those companies put together

  5. aleagori on

    The OP aside, you can find the stories of Zildjian and Istanbul and how their products come from the know how of the same ‘usta’. The word Zil comes from his name.

    All this nonsense of killing each other and claiming rights on the lands that the same people have been living together for centuries now is pretty average for such old communities of Armenians and Turkic people.

    We should have been over all this years ago and living peacefully together.

    We simply failed as intelligent creatures.

  6. pawn_d4_badd on

    Zangi 💀

    That word in Georgian describes black person

  7. mahmut-er on

    İf there wouldnt be socar who will they think they will import oil and natural gas from russia ?

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