Ciao a tutti, Stavamo programmando di fare trekking a Trolltunga questo sabato. Eravamo scettici nel prenotare perché dipende molto dal meteo. Questa è la previsione che ho potuto ottenere da sito web. Potreste farci sapere se è il momento giusto.
di dontwannabehere718
It looks good. 16 degrees is a lot on 1100 meters altitude in september. It seems to be good weather across the whole Southern part of the country this weekend.
(In Norwegian)
Weather forecast looks promising this weekend with reasonably good and warm weather in the south of Norway.
Not to assume any experience level. Considering we see tourists out there in flip flops you never know. Here’s a few things to keep in mind.
Start the trip early (morning) as it can take a while. Wear proper hiking boots and gear. Warm clothes like wool underclothes and wind and rainproof jackets can be a lifesaver, so bring some warm clothes in your backpacks even if it is warm outside. Better to regret the clothes you didn’t need than to freeze. And basic first aid and chasing patches are a good idea if you don’t commonly go on long mountain hikes.
Weather in Norway is really unpredictable, so light clouds and warm and quiet weather can quickly turn into rain and winds.
If you are booking a guided tour they’ll likely provide a packing list.
Enjoy your stay!