Sono scioccato dal fatto che ci siano così tanti appartamenti economici in Finlandia (ovviamente non nella regione di Helsinki, Tampere e Turku). Ad esempio, questo appartamento a Lahti costa 14K€. Com’è possibile?
di ghostybird
Sono scioccato dal fatto che ci siano così tanti appartamenti economici in Finlandia (ovviamente non nella regione di Helsinki, Tampere e Turku). Ad esempio, questo appartamento a Lahti costa 14K€. Com’è possibile?
di ghostybird
It’s in lahti.
Probably needs renovation.
Also possibly a scam.
From the planned repairs section:
>- LVIS- järjestelmän toteuttaminen 2024-2028
>As Oy Ahoapilan LVIS-saneeraushanke jouduttiin siirtämään, koska hankeen rahoitus edellyttää 40 % omarahoitusta.
Omarahoitusosuuden saamiseksi tullaan keräämään erillistä hankevastiketta, jonka suuruus on vielä avoimena.
Tulen esittämään hankevastikkeeksi 3,50 € / m2 / kk, jolloin viiden vuoden aikana saamme kerättyä 441 000 €.
Such a large upcoming remodel doesn’t exactly make it desirable…
It is the location and almost original condition of the apartment and a major upcoming overhaul of water, electricity and air circulation systems for the whole building and its cost. And that is just by according to the info given.
The location most likely the biggest issue if you look at other apartments in Nastola. Just not enough demand. If people move that ”far” away from a city, they want an actual house instead of an old apartment. Here is a bigger one from the same street, eith almost same price per square meter. Nastola has plenty of similar ones.
All property is cheap in Finland compared to lots of Europe. Two main factors really
1. Not a very popular location. It’s also unpopular to live outside of major cities so rural property can be very cheap
2. Land is comparatively cheap.