Quindi ho scritto un’e-mail e ho ricevuto questa risposta, ho alcune domande, 1) cos’è questa roba disinfettante e dove posso acquistarla. E dove dovrei versarla se non nel lavandino? 2) Come dovrei fare la pesca con la calamita se non riesco a tirare la calamita e le cose sul fondo del lago/fiume, non ci sono letteralmente ponti qui, e se vado in un lago come dovrei farlo senza barca? 3) Questa e-mail conta come permesso o l’amministrazione della città me lo darà prima che io vada?


di mirko_6


  1. Sysiphos1234 on

    For 2. That’s it, if you cannot do it without dragging it you are not allowed to do it

  2. Choice_Wafer8382 on

    1) order it online (couldn’t tell you what shops might have it, maybe like Bauhaus?)

    2) thy said to not pull over the riverbed, like across the river. you can of course drag it up. they also stated that you shouldn’t use a _motor_ boat. ones without are ok.

    3) I would talk with he Gemeinde again (just to be sure) and get a written permit with the date and location you want to magnet fish.

  3. eats-you-alive on

    1) If you are not allowed to pour it into a sink, you should collect it in a bottle and get rid of it at your local Wertstoffhof

    2) Boat. Just don’t use a motorboat.

    3) no idea.

  4. thewindinthewillows on

    > 2) How should I do magnet fishing if I cant pull the magnet and stuff on the bottom of the lake/river, there are literally no bridges here, and if I go for a lake how should i do it then without boat?

    If you cannot do it according to the rules, then you cannot do it. There’s no general right to magnet fishing that authorities somehow have to accommodate.

    Considering what kind of magnetic objects you can find in the water even in rural areas (where Allied bombers sometimes dropped loads they had not been able to fully use), magnet fishing would be just about the last entertainment activity I’d want to do in any case.

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