Un “idiota ubriaco” picchia un bevitore “indifeso” dopo avergli strappato i bicchieri in un pub


di Ivashkin


  1. AerodynamicHandshake on

    Manchester Evening News: *How about a story from somewhere nowhere near Manchester? I know we’re meant to be a local paper, but it’s violent, you’ll love it!*

  2. roamingnomad7 on

    I don’t get how you can attack someone in such a vicious way, causing life-changing injuries to the victim, and essentially just end up with a slap on the wrist?

  3. EdmundTheInsulter on

    I’m sick of this lack of logic that the attacker could simply be let off for an attack like that. Pathetic after the recent supposed changes in sentencing, we’re back to not jailing people already are we?

    Edit. After a fight with ads it turns out there were some punishments and conditions on top of his don’t do it again sentence. Also he has cautions for doing stuff before which are pretty much convictions because you have to admit guilt in getting one

  4. bobblebob100 on

    “Alcohol has clearly had an impact on him and he acted in a way that is out of character for him”

    No it didnt, stop using alcohol as an excuse for being a twat

  5. “Police have not confirmed that the perpetrator is not a Muslim” — Nigel Farridge

  6. masterblaster0 on

    Sounds like he was going to leave it until the woman started egging him on, then his need to show her that he was a tough guy took over.

    A pair of assholes.

  7. Unusual_Reference_14 on

    You can do whatever the fuck you want when the prisons are full.

    Country is turning to shit.

    If you’re poor, go fuck yourself.

    Anyone know if a civil lawsuit can be raised?

  8. jodrellbank_pants on

    No room to put them, that’s the problem, because were to lenient by half lock him up and throw away the key

  9. honest_thoughts_2024 on

    As someone who wears glasses, having them taken from you is terrifying. People think and act like it’s a joke but without mine I’m pretty much blind, and to have them taken away, especially in an unfamiliar environment is horrifying. This guy gets a suspended sentence? Disgraceful.

  10. Thin_Formal_3727 on

    As an alcoholic, I can tell you with confidence, the drink didn’t do this. It may have raised adrenaline levels but that’s once the violence has already started.
    The guy is a prick looking for an excuse to be an abhorrent person.

  11. grimmmlol on

    A joke sentence. His partner should have been an accessory to the crime for encouraging him, too.

  12. meandering_fart on

    I think one day (likely in the not so distance future) this guy will cross the wrong fucking person and end up fucked in his ass. It’s unremarkable so I doubt we will get to read about it but I know in my heart that this is almost a certainty.

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