Un pensionato paga accidentalmente £ 2.700 per i biglietti degli Oasis


di McGubbins


  1. Djinjja-Ninja on

    > She said: “I’ve been on Ticketmaster for years, we’ve been to see the likes of Adele – **I’m not stupid.**

    I beg to differ.

  2. ScallionOk6420 on

    Perhaps anyone over 75 should not be permitted to use the internet without supervision?

  3. Scared-Room-9962 on

    1100 quid each plus 500 fees to see a band 30 years past their sell by date haha

  4. marquess_rostrevor on

    Maybe she should tweet Liam and see what he has to say about it.

  5. LemmysCodPiece on

    Is anyone else getting seriously bored of Oasis based stories now?

  6. Christ, for that kind of money, she could have bought a veritable Champagne supernova.

  7. Longjumping-Pay-2186 on

    After the refund it looks like only some might pay

  8. dollhousemassacre on

    Is it important for us to know they’re a pensioner?

  9. BigManLou on

    How do you accidentally pay £2700 for something? The women can clearly operate her way around a website so surely she can read the total amount before clicking pay now.

  10. Regardless of whether or not this woman made a mistake, £500 in fees for two tickets is absolutely criminal, no matter the ticket price.

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